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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  April 12, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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read aloud. >> we assess the north has nuclear weapon capable of delivery. >> there could be millions of deaths. >> 50 million people died in the second world war. and once they all get killed, but there is a nuclear war a lot of people get killed. >> reporter: white house press secretary. >> they have not shown a capability to deploy a nuclear missile and fire it. >> the secretary is visiting china as well on this trip. jacky spear is hosting a gun buy back tomorrow and similar programs has been held around the bay area recently.
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she hosted a successful one in january and tomorrow it is the south san francisco court house. a $100 in cash is given out for handguns shout guns and rifles and $200 is handed out for assault weapons. the senate is deciding about more gun control but the current laws are not being enforced >> in the real world we do
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nothing to enforce background checks. sglee com >> reporter: each year the same story, tens of thousands people denied guns but only a handful prosecuted. the report shows only 44 prosecution and the person who compiled the numbers says about a quarter of those were overturned and many more didn't warrant prosecution. >> there are other circumstances where you are not allowed to have a gun even though there is no crime like a protective order. >> reporter: they focus on the most serious cases at the federal level and work with states local and tribal partners to insure cases receiver the attention they deserve.
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>> failing a background check is is not a federal offense but lying on one is illegal. the data didn't show how many people were not telling the truth. president obama is turning the talk over to a mother whose child was killed in the newton shootings. they have been meeting with lawmakers to encourage their support for gun control legislation. a bill addressing the on-going clash over the federal law banning marijuana use. the bipartisan bill amends the act to say businesses that comply with state laws are
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immune from prosecution. and state laws would be respected by the feds. it seeks to keep the federal government from seeking criminal punishment. fires sweep through a home and what happens inside. >> the country that is now permitingting same-sex marriage and what else they would be entitled to.
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a freemont home was destroyed after 8:00 a.m. this morning as a fire broke out. the firefighters say flames were spreading next door and two adults and five children made it out save as did three of the four dogs, one is still not counted for. an explosive device addressed to the sheriff said it would take more than threats to get rid of him. it was intercepted in northern arizona and contained appear explosive device that would have caused serious injury if opened.
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six retailers are recalling toys that use magnets after reporting kids have swallowed them. they are at bed bath and beyond, brook stone and think geek and many more. the maker refused to recall the toy and 53 reports have required treatment. both house of parliament are voting on same-sex couples and allowing them to adopt children in paris. the bill is on track to become law by the summer. walk to work includes new
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plans to keep people safe. ♪ roundup ♪ ♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪ ♪ but weeds just make me rattlesnake mad ♪ ♪ now roundup has a new sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ i'm sendin' them weeds to the great beyond ♪ ♪ roundup ♪ yeha! [ whip cracks ] ♪ ♪ ♪ no need to pump just point and shoot ♪ ♪ hit 'em in the leaves, and it kills to the root ♪ ♪ 'round fences, trees, even mulched beds ♪ ♪ 'cause the only good weed is a weed that's dead ♪ ♪ roundup ♪ yeha! [ whip cracks ] [ male announcer ] roundup... [ whip cracks ] with the new one-touch wand.
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san francisco is taking steps to improver pedestrian safety and the one thing police are telling people to stop doing. >> reporter: people are making their way home from work and city officials announced a plan to make the streets safer. walk to work today, the first
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city in the nation to sponsor the day. >> walked 4-6 miles, about an hour and a half, but i am excited. >> it is nice to get out. >> reporter: walking to city hall and announcing the plan to cut the deaths in half. >> if we can narrow the roadway and widen the sidewalks, we can save a lot of lives. >> reporter: it is ten-year plan and gives people more time to cross and reengineering streets near schools and where seniors are often injured. they will not come cheap. >> it is about $363 million and
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we found about $175 which is great start but we have about $200 million left. >> reporter: pedestrians must take a greater roll as well. >> do not walk and text. >> reporter: 60% of deaths happen at cross walks. reporting live, david stevenson. a bicycle rider was killed today today after a bike the bike rider fell towards the vehicle and the driver said his vehicle's back
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wheels ran over the bike rider. trying to piece together the events of a pit bull attack that claimed the life of a 38-year-old women. people saw her running from the back of the home and the dog's owner says he wasn't home. >> i didn't know who it was coming out. >> the dog's owner has met the victim and says she may have climbed his fence. a fire broke out on a shrimp boat and everyone escaped. another fishing vessel picked up the three men on this boat and the coast guard arrived to put
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out the fire. no word on how it started. the food and drug administration is planning to hold a meeting to review the safety of a diabetes drug. it was limited after being linked to a high account of heart attack and stroke, but the maker paid for an independent review of the study and found it not to be true. the first view of the san francisco tiger. the cub carried it around the exhibit and it is first day the tiger was on display for the public. it is 14 pounds and the cub is strong enough to venture to the
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outdoor enclosure. let's go to bill martin to plan the weekend and one day is warmer than the other? >> sunday is cooler than tomorrow. temperatures tomorrow are similar to today and sunday clouds and a little bit of wind. look at the highs from today, he did get to 81 in livermore and how about san jose at 74. a beautiful day and temperatures tomorrow similar. 78 in fairfield and these are the temperatures as your are walking around. if you are going out to dine you might be able to do it outside. it is not as warm around the bay, san francisco is in the low
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60s, but a nice day in store tomorrow. plenty of sunshine an saturday and sunday is changing around and sunday night into monday the winds come up and that is my concern. remember last sunday/monday? we could see 30-mile per hour wind gust. oak pine and the trees outside if they are blooming they are the ones bothering you. tree pollen is the main problem right now. and tomorrow is another nice day. and sunday it is low pressure center tweaking by to increasing fog and wind. the they could get up to 25 miles per hour. the wind forecast for tomorrow, you can through the day 15-25
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miles per hour and this is typical sea breeze activity. but sunday night the wind will be higher than that. and the forecast high, we have a bunch of them, 79 in livermore and 78 in gillmore. really nice compared to the rest of the country. they are having tornadoes but we get this. and that is why it cost so much to live here, we have amazing weekends. breaking news on the shooting in san francisco and how the sequester is affecting
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memorials for 9-11 victims.
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we have an update to the breaking news we brought you at the top of the hour san francisco police are looking for two people that pulled up and got out of four-door vehicle and one man was shot in the shoulder and taken to san francisco general hospital with non-life
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threatening injuries. the victim was targeted and the gang-taskcourse is in the area. eric williams is being searched for the district attorney cases of two men gunned down. investigators have not named the former justice of the peace as a suspect. the sequestration is causing people to shut back on park and tours and that included the flight 93 memorial. the director of the national park service says budget cuts are forcing them to reduce access to the area and the other
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national parks. >> no specific park was singled out. the park board of directors has decided to experiment with night meetings. few people other than bart employees and contractors attend and bart will hold two night meetings to see if more regular riders attend. they will discuss restrictions on bringing bicycles on train. an english teacher telling students to study nazi propaganda and come up with evidence blaming the jews and the district principle says the
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assignment was ill-conceived. >> i can go from a letter of counsel all the way through termination. there is a broad spectrum, but i am not going to make that decision within the 24 hours. >> a third of the students refused to take part of that assignment a man leaves his job and hasn't been seen since. >> a big brawl on camera that broke out at one of san francisco's most poplar parks.
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good evening i am julie haner. >> we learned that three teenage boys were arrested month said ago for allegedly sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl and sharing the pictures online. but they were released and never charged and the family is saying
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critical evidence may be gone. noel smith is live. >> reporter: the sheriff has confirmed all three has been charged. this is audrie pott, soccer lover and victim of cyber-bullying and she committed suicide eight-days after pictures circulated of her being assaulted while pasted out at a party. >> the dangerous affects of kids and what they can do with their phones and laptops is damaging and audrie pott was terrorized. >> reporter: they were released on a charge of inappropriate
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touching and further investigation led to two felony charges. >> i have a problem when you video or photograph a crime and share it. kids need to get smarter about what is right and wrong. >> reporter: they can't confirm they have the case or how they will prosecute it, in some cases they can try an adult in adult court, they would have to convince the judge it is supposed to be there. >> sexual penetration is a crime and there is a distinguish between being forces and being asleep. >> reporter: this is statement given my the victim's attorney
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and they are considering civil suits against parents and students and are planning a media conference next week. it was the cyber-bullying that led to the suicide and she is all over social media today except this time the post are in out rage over what happened to her. >> one of the three tens arrested in that case transferred to a high school in gillroy not long after the assault. >> reporter: this 15-year-old sophomore transferred here one month into the school year and parents


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